About AFK9

African Canine Academy and detection services was developed to be a new beginning to a Safe and Secure Africa, through training personnel’s that can be employed by security outfits, Private sector, become self employed or gain entry into private security industry worldwide by attending to our diverse instructor’s courses from across the world. Our mode of student learning is online and hands on reaching millions of interested students today.

Learn online anywhere anytime.

AFK9 is also developed to train dog handlers, Kennel masters, Obedience training, private Investigators in different Categories, Edd handlers, Ndd Handlers, Dog Trainers. In-house Guard Personals, Close protection officers & body guards .

We are the only company that is striving to become Africa’s solution to a much needed permanent and Professional Skilling Services to transform veterans into a private life work model and contribute to their community’s development by not putting their years of experiences to waste but utilize it into communal benefits through transformation skilling. Our advanced selection of student is unique.


Skilling the world Easiest & affordable way possible .


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